Frozen Shoulder Exercises

Freezing Stage

Assisted Shoulder Extension Exercise
Assisted Shoulder Extension with Stick

Assisted Shoulder Flexion Exercise
Assisted Shoulder Flexion with Stick

Passive External Rotation Exercise
Passive Shoulder External Rotation

Shoulder Pendulum Exercise
Shoulder Pendulum

Frozen Stage

Assisted Shoulder Extension Exercise
Assisted Shoulder Extension with Stick

Shoulder Pendulum Exercise
Shoulder Pendulum

Assisted Shoulder Abduction

Assisted Active Shoulder Flexion

Passive Shoulder Internal Rotation

Shoulder Stabilization

Shoulder Blade Squeeze

Shoulder Wall Slide

Isometric Shoudler-Internal Rotation Exericse
Isometric Shoulder Internal Rotation

Isometric Shoulder Flexion
Isometric Shoulder Flexion

Isometric Shoulder External Rotation
Isometric Shoulder External Rotation

Isometric Shoulder Extension Exercise
Isometric Shoulder Extension

Isometric Shoulder Adduction Exercise
Isometric Shoulder Adduction

Isometric Shoulder Abduction Exercise
Isometric Shoulder Abduction