How to Regain Range of Motion in Shoulder

Depending upon the cause behind the loss of range of motion there are a number of different paths to regaining the range of motion in the shoulder. 

Here is a strong caveat to the below information. We would recommend you seek medical advice regarding your shoulder injury and how to safely restore your shoulder movement if it is impaired. You can of course book your free Physio call with Tim from The Online Physiotherapist who will advise about best steps forward.

Main Causes of Loss of Shoulder Movement

General principles of regaining range of motion from the 3 main causes of loss of shoulder movement by;

Fracture or dislocation

Pendular exercises

  • Lean forwards over a table or chair, supporting with non-affected arm and allowing the affected arm to hang.
  • Gently swing your arm forwards and back for 30-60 seconds, and then side to side for 30-60 seconds, increasing in distance as symptoms allow.

Active assisted movement

  • Use a wall or stick to offload the shoulder muscle demand and help the affected arm into greater mobility.

Active stretching

  • Use your non-affected arm to help stretch your affected arm into a good, strong stretch.

Proprioneurofacilitation (PNF) exercises

Rotator cuff injury

(grade 1 and 2) 

You can often jump to;

  • Active assisted movements
  • Active movements
  • PNF stretching

See the above, for further details on these 3 actions. 

Engage in the above exercises once medical clearance has been given. Contact Tim for better confidence.


In conclusion

There are general principles to adhere to following an injury, to regain movement after an injury. Any questions, you know how to reach us, or contact Tim for your free Physio consultation.