Real people get real results with Reflex Health
100s of people with shoulder injuries have found help
Measure all the key shoulder movements with just your phone

Forward Flexion
Stand sideways to your phone. Raise your arm forward and up.

Stand facing your phone. Raise both hands to the side and up.

Stand sideways to the device. Move your arm backwards.

External Rotation
Stand facing your phone. Keep elbows press against body. Move hands apart.

Internal Rotation
Stand facing your phone. Raise one arm parallel to the ground with a 90 degree bend at the elbow. Drop your hand down towards the floor.

Cross Body
Stand facing your phone. Raise your arm and move across your body.
Measure yourself for free today!
Frequently asked questions
How does the AI work to recognise my movements?
The app will ask for permission to use your camera. Once you start a measurement assessment the camera will recognise you and your shoulder. The App will highlight the shoulder that is being measured and you’ll be guided into position.
Where do I need to place my iPhone/iPad?
We recommend placing your device on a table leaning against a solid surface to keep it upright. You can place the device on the floor against a wall.
We highly recommend always using the same position/height for future measurements.
How long does it take to get measured?
It takes less than 5 minutes to do all the exercises and measurements.
Why should I measure my shoulder range of motion?
Maintaining good range of motion in the shoulder jointThe glenohumeral joint is a ball-and-socket synovial joint and is the most mobile joint in the human More is essential for optimal function and avoiding injury. If you don’t use your shoulder joint’s full range of motion, you may be more likely to injure it. By regularly stretching and exercising your shoulder muscles, you can maintain good range of motion and reduce your risk of injury.
Furthermore, if you have an injury you are more likely to sustain a further injury due to the weakness of the muscles and ligaments of the shoulder. Recovery from shoulder injury will include regaining range of Motion through exercises and physiotherapy, and strengthening of the joint.
How can you maintain good range of motion in your shoulder joint?
You can maintain good range of motion in your shoulder jointThe glenohumeral joint is a ball-and-socket synovial joint and is the most mobile joint in the human More by regularly stretching and exercising the muscles that support it. A combination of static and dynamic stretches, as well as strength-training exercises, is ideal. Regularly incorporating these activities into your routine will help to keep your shoulder joint healthy and prevent injury.