Healthy Shoulders
Challenge for Rock Climbers

Reflex Health brings you a new way to measure the mobility of your shoulders

Get the most out of the challenge

We are excited to offer Reflex Health to you for free during you Healthy Shoulders Chalenge for Rock Climbers by Dr. Q. You can use our iOS or Web app to keep track of your mobility throughout the whole course.

For iOS Members

Watch our how to video of all the features within our iOS App.
Access Reflex Health iOS App

For Non iOS Members

Watch our how to video for our Web App. Find out what you can do and how to use it. Note must be used in Chrome or Firefox.
Access Reflex Health Web App

Measurements in Reflex Health

Shoulder Forward Flexion Range of Motion
Forward Flexion

Range of Motion in Degrees

Shoulder Extension Range of Motion

Range of Motion in Degrees

Shoulder Abduction Range of Motion Measurement

Range of Motion in Degrees

Shoulder External Range of Motion Measurement
External Rotation

Range of Motion as % of arm seen

Shoulder Internal Rotation Range of Motion Measurement
Internal Rotation

Range of Motion as % of arm seen

Cross Body Shoulder Range of Motion Measurement
Cross Body

Range of Motion as % of wrist past shoulder


How do I set up the camera?

We recommend placing your iPhone/iPad/Laptop on a table. Always try using the same height when recording to have a consistent measure between tests.

How can I share Videos?

Video recording is limited to specific devices.

See the list here

How to measure pain?

On iOS, you have to move your hand across the screen and hold it in position for 1.5 seconds to confirm your selection.

On Web, you can use your hand and fingers to show the pain number of 0 👊 to 5 🖐.

How often should I record myself?

We recommend recording yourself once a week. This will give you a clear measure of your progress from week to week.

Should I do all the exercises?

Please speak with Dr. Q to see which exercises you should do.

Is there any cost?

During the Healthy Shoulders Challenge for Rock Climbers, Reflex Health is free to use.

Got any questions?

We are ready to help and support you during the whole course. Our team is ready to help you whenever you need. Email / /